Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas

I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, blessed, & Merry Christmas!

It'll be strange around our family this year. Christmas is, was, my mother in law's favorite holiday, so it's really odd here not being here. However, one good thing has come out of the situation (I'm sure there's a lot more, but this is the one I'm focused on for now) - my DH & his dad have grown closer & I'm thankful for that. It's not that they were ever at odds, just 2 different people, Mark being more like his mom, talkative & outgoing, his dad, more laid back & a bit of an introvert.

My hubby is also not having a good year when it comes to sports...his poor Packers, while I, on the other hand, am quite excited about my Broncos making it to the if I could just figure out why the Cubs want to trade Mark Prior...

On a local note, it appears we will have a new council representative come next year. Our "illustrious" councilman, Tom Baker, has annoucned he's running for mayor. Good luck!

Again, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to y'all!

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