Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sprucing Up, Part Deux

No sooner have I posted about sprucing up our city, then KT comes out and wants everyone to help pick up trash because it's good for our "image." And it's just in time for the PGA Championship - no, that's not coincidence at all, is it? On top of that, the KTCC (Kathy Taylor City Council) now wants to increase the fine on people placing signs on right of ways...why? Because it's bad for our image for people to advertise garage sales and open houses, apparently. Geesh! I have never seen anyone more image driven than KT. Can someone remind her that she is the mayor of Tulsa and not Palm Beach?

I've also discovered that hitting a golf ball is not as easy as it looks. I think I'm going to have to take some lessons before I actually play a game. Tiger, Phil, Annika, and the rest all make it look so easy. I'm afraid I'm going to jar something when I hit the ball and I think I threw my back out! Golf for Dummies and the Idiot's Guide to Golf, here I come!

Yet another discovery I've recently made...Harry Potter. I actually picked the first book up a few years ago and put it back down after reading the first chapter; I just didn't see what all the hoopla was about. With hearing so much about it from my DSD (darling stepdaughter), I figured I'd try it again. I bought the paperback and read it in four days and will now be out hunting for the next one. That teaches me not to listen to all the pundits and know-it-alls and discover things for myself...that's why God gave me a brain, right?

Something else I'm reading about...the intertestamental period. Our Sunday School class is studying a workbook titled Through the Bible in a Year and we're on the Psalms right now. To go along with that, I purchased a book at Mardel's titled Encountering the New Testament, which has helped my study along (I'm a sucker for anything that looks like schoolwork - I'm twisted, I know). It had a chapter on what went on during that time and I've become fascinated with it, so much so, that I'm teaching that section in our class when we get to it! (Side note, DH will be teaching on Daniel - everyone's invited!) It's always interesting when you have to tell the worker at the local Christian bookstore why you're looking for books on that topic and why you'll be teaching about an object lesson.

More on this later...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see you've remembered your blog!

I've got to get back to posting on mine as well. I was very very very ill Saturday night... spent hours in the ER in Owasso. I have viral Menningitis *(sp).
Lovely, I know!!
Well hope to see you all again soon...