Monday, August 13, 2007

It's All in the Timing

I read over the weekend that some houses are getting ready to be moved from the I-44/Riverside area to Sand Springs, but that had to wait until the PGA Championship was over. Just exactly how long has the city known that the golf tournament was going to be here? How convenient that the red tape took up just enough time to tell the movers, "No, I'm sorry, you'll have to wait until Tiger, Phil, and the rest of the golfers leave before moving the houses."

I also saw where Tulsa was on a list of most adventurous cities; surely that's because of our splended roads and bridges that you have to play "Dodge the Pothole" on everywhere you go. It could also be from trying to avoid panhandlers and the homeless camped out in front of QT; just where were they hidden last week?

On a brighter note, I see that Tulsa Transit has come around and started up the bus route to Cherokee Industrial Park again...yippee!!! Now DH and I will have an alternate way to get to work.

My father's service was very nice and eye-opening (at least for some in the family). A singer sang "Amazing Grace" and "Just As I Am", and we played Josh Turner's "Long Black Train." I was able to hear a bit of my dad's testimony of how he came to Christ in the last few years of his life. The minister said that my father wanted to make sure of his decision, that he wanted to make sure it wasn't just with his head, but with his heart as well. On the way to the cemetary, my aunts and DH had a discussion about the "altar call". My aunts were not in agreement with
it, but DH told them that he was all for it. I believe his quote was "I want people to hear the gospel at my service, because that may be the only time they'll hear it. I want them to see Jesus in the music played and in the eulogy given." That's my hubby!

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