Monday, September 03, 2007

Oklahoma State Fair; Spiritual Issues

I did a little research and, from what I could find, Murphy Brothers has nothing to do with the State Fair in OKC, so guess where we're headed? If I have my way, I will never set foot at Expo Square again. On that note, I hope the Drillers do move so that I won't have a reason to go to that plot of land again.

I saw RPM (Randi "People-pleasin' Miller) was on KJRH the other night pumping up the river tax. I didn't watch it, so I don't know if Russ McCaskey got answers to any questions that he asked.

We had communion at our church yesterday; first time under the new pastor. I appreciated how it was handled. He taught about it and explained it, rather than just assuming that everyone knew what it was about. He also offered to speak with anyone after the service who had any questions about it. I didn't become a Christan until I became an adult, so I obviously didn't grow up with a lot of teaching on spiritual and biblical issues. When I first starting going to church, I felt like I was missing out on something. The church I got saved in was not big on teaching or instruction but focused more on what God could do for you. I didn't realize how much I was missing until I met my husband, who has a heart for teaching. He was quite eager to show me what I had been missing out on all those years. He grew up in the church and I envy his stories about camp, fellowships, and the like. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do on spiritual items. He is very patient with me and answers any questions I have and is faithful to point me to the Scriptures for the ultimate answers. I've noticed recently that my desire for the deeper things in life is growing. I mean, who would've thought I would ever volunteer to teach a lesson on the Intertestamental Period...and am thinking about volunteering to teach the lesson on Titus and about a miracle!

And one more thing...we have finally moved into the 21st century and have a home computer! Now I can blog whenever I want (I'm sure my work will appreciate this!).

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