Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Latest Goings On

I was attempting to put together a computer desk (more on that in a bit), when I overheard the latest begging to get us to vote Yes for the river tax. Actually, the only statement that I can remember dealt with a child attempting to guilt me into voting yes. Is this what that side has stooped to? I am sometimes ashamed to admit I live in Tulsa - this would be one of those times.

As for the aforementioned computer desk...I finally was able to purchase a desktop computer (HP, for those of you taking notes) and purchased a desk for it. I'm ashamed to say it, but I was bested by the desk. Who knew it was so difficult to keep screws straight? Thankfully, DH has a friend who loves putting things together, so he'll be over tomorrow evening to put it together.

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