Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In a funk

(WARNING, RAMBLING AHEAD) Yes, I'm in a funk & I'm not sure why. I think part of it has to do with my creativity. I dabble in writing, but haven't written anything in a while. I've noticed that I tend to get focused on one thing, stick with it for a while, then move on to something else; lately, I've been stuck on Trixie Belden books. For those of you who don't know who/what she is, she's a younger, but much cooler, Nancy Drew type. I never did like Nancy Drew; she was too feminine & frou frou for me; I was more of a Hardy Boys fan (even before the TV show...Shaun Cassidy, yum, yum!). Anyway, Trixie Belden was a series of books which was originally published back in the 50's (I think)--my mother in law remembers reading them when she was growing up then. She was 13, lived on a farm (Crabapple Farm), had 2 older brothers (Mart, 11 months older) & Brian (2-3 years older), and one younger brother, Bobby (6 years old). She meets her new next door neighbor, Honey Wheeler, a girl who's her age & the exact opposite of herself. Whereas Honey was tall, thin & had "honey" blonde hair, Trixie was short, "sturdy" & unruly curly blonde hair. During their traipsing through the area around their houses, they come upon a young boy, Jim Frayne (15). He's escaped his cruel stepfather & has come to look for his uncle who lives in the neighborhood; however, the frail old man was transported to the hospital earlier & eventually passes away. To make a long story short, Jim is adopted by Honey's rich parents (who actually knew his real parents), Brian & Mart come home from camp, & the group is eventually joined by two other kids: Diana Lynch (13) & Dan Mangan (14-16). Can you tell I got really involved in these books? :-) Anyway, I've recently discovered them again, after buying about 15-20 of them on Ebay (wonderful invention). Now, I've discovered that there are fanfic sites about them! I always love discovering people who are more obsessed about things than I am! I don't have much room to talk, however...I've got 2 websites up devoted to Law & Order & Homicide:Life on the Street! I refuse to give hubby the links because I don't want him to see the horrid writings I did before we got married. I had to be the sappiest writer ever to write anything. I think I used writing in my younger days to escape from reality safely, as a retreat from the world around me when I got tired of reading. I'm good now at coming up with little scenes in my head, but not being able to put them down on paper. I have a couple of books that are supposed to help with writing, but I just get writer's block when I pick them up...oh, well, I guess I should start & see what I can come up with! I figure even writing on here helps! I know when I used to write on a regular basis, it was great therapy, so I might have to try it again with everything that's going on in my life.

Sorry this post isn't as deep as my previous ones, but I guess I'm just not feeling real deep at the moment.


Unknown said...

You are a great writer! I can tell by the attention to detail that you could do wonderfully.
Of course us women are really good at details.:)....

So I was venting about "N"( the girls mom.... yesterday and was going to publish it to my blog and I lost it because blogger was updating!

Oh well at least I got it out.. Hope you are doing well.... take care...


Savage Baptist said...

There are several good churches in town. Don't be discouraged, but keep your eyes open. A good church will encourage you, but also challenge you. A church that makes you feel totally comfortable, as though there were no room for improvement in your life, is as unacceptable as a church that makes you feel unacceptable because you've sinned and made mistakes in the past.

It sounds like you might be settling into a new church home. If so, great! If it doesn't quite work out, you are always welcome to visit Sheridan Road Baptist. We're in the book, and you can ask for me and someone will be able to direct you to the class.

Wherever you settle, remember that the Bible repeatedly urges you to forgive the offenses of your brothers and sisters. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that this means your brothers and sisters are frequently going to be offensive--so you have to be ready for it, ready to forgive, and ready to grow with them.