Friday, October 28, 2005

New title?

I think our mayor is trying to create a new title for mayor. Can't you just see him, standing on the corner of the arena (okay, standing on a mound of dirt) & yelling "I'm mayor of the world!" (Sorry, thought Titanic was a cheesy movie.). Picture it with he's standing on the mound, you see a mist out of the corner of your eye. What is it, you might ask? It's the ghosts of all the poor souls that were buried there, of course! (Sorry, had to get in the Halloween spirit there!).

This all stemmed from a news story I saw last night. Apparently, we now have ANOTHER sister city...some town in France. Personally, I think it's just an out in case Mayor M. needs to vacate the premises in a hurry (oh, I don't know, because the ghosts chased him out of town, maybe?) & he'll have yet another place to retreat to. Lord knows, he probably doesn't have enough places in his own city to go. Is anyone keeping track of how many sister cities we actually have? Do we have one on each continent now? DH suggested (jokingly, of course) that maybe our mayor's the anti-Christ, but I couldn't figure out a way to get 666 from his name. Remember, that was tried with Ronald Wilson Reagan, but I guess he proved them wrong last year when he died.

Topic #2--

I was listening to KFAQ & listening to them talk about Carlton Pearson & his bankrupt church now meeting at Trinity Episcopal when a comment struck me. "Jesus died for the whole world, so He couldn't/wouldn't send anyone to Hell." Here's my problem with that statement...Jesus isn't sending anyone to Hell; people choose to go there. God created man with free will. He didn't want to have a relationship with robots, but with living, breathing humans who choose to have a relationship with Him...breath that He provided, I might add.

Have a great weekend, y'all!

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